Greetings from Aquatech in Amsterdam! With over 800 exhibitors and more than 20,000 visitors, Aquatech is the world’s leading trade fair for process, drinking and waste water.
– are natural inhabitants of our soils and drinking water sources,
– are not removed by water utilities
– enter the domestic plumbing system in very low concentrations and
– find ideal conditions for multiplying in the water pipes of buildings.
If Legionella are inhaled in too high concentrations via water vapor or droplets when showering, they can cause serious illnesses such as Legionnaires’ disease (pneumonia) and Pontiac fever.
The Robert Koch Institute counted approximately 1,281 reported cases* of Legionnaires’ disease in Germany in 2020. The number of unreported cases is possibly much higher. CAPNETZ estimates an annual number of cases of Legionnaires’ disease of about 15,000 to 30,000 cases* in Germany.
*Source: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/Infekt/Jahrbuch/Jahrbuch_2020.pdf?__ blob=publicationFile
CAPNETZ: German Competence Network for Community Acquired Pneumonia
– A multi-layer biofilm forms on the inner pipe wall of domestic water pipes within just one year.
– Biofilm on the pipe wall provides food for Legionella and other germs.
– Every meter of a 3/4-inch pipe provides the habitat for about 6 billion bacteria!
– Biofilm on the pipe wall protects Legionella from the disinfection effect of hot water and chlorine!
Scientists have proven that drinking water contains 10,000 to 200,000 active cells per milliliter!
Germs are normally detected via a smear on a nutrient medium. The result is only of limited significance.
– The smear only shows colony-forming germs.
– The smear only shows germs that require oxygen and a medium temperature.
– A determination of the germ types is not possible.
– Only about 0.1-1 % of the germs form colonies at all.
The so-called flow cytometry is a much more accurate detection method, but very complex and expensive.
Seccua Ultrafiltration plant for the reduction of unwanted substances
TO PRODUCTSeccua Ultrafiltration plant for the reduction of unwanted substances
TO PRODUCTTo detect microorganisms in drinking water, the smear method, which is over a hundred years old, is still used today. In this process, part of the water sample is smear tested on a nutrient medium, and colonies of germs that form are then counted. Scientists know today that only 0.1 – 1 % of all germs present in water tend to form colonies on a culture medium. This means:
Greetings from Aquatech in Amsterdam! With over 800 exhibitors and more than 20,000 visitors, Aquatech is the world’s leading trade fair for process, drinking and waste water.
Bacterial contamination of drinking water with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause wound and urinary tract infections, pneumonia and blood poisoning in immunocompromised persons, was recently detected in the University Hospital Frankfurt.
Have you ever had an unsafe feeling about water hygiene when showering at your holiday destination? With the start of this year’s holiday season, the risk of getting infected with legionella when showering in hotels, AirBnB and holiday flats as well as on campsites is increasing.
We are here to assist you! Feel free to contact us for a non-binding consultation by phone or send us an email.
MANN+HUMMEL Water & Fluid Solutions GmbH
Kasteler Straße 45
65203 Wiesbaden, Germany
Phone: +49 611 7118 7480